home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- REM ---Change this---
- REM Set CDROM to the CDROM drive letter that the disk is in (don't forget
- REM the ':'!)
- set cdrom=n:
- REM ---Change this---
- REM ---Change this---
- REM Set OUTPUT to the FULL target path for your DIR files
- set output=n:\_bbs\pcb
- REM ---Change this---
- REM I set this globally, in ..\all.bat
- REM To run this one batch file, change it here also.
- if .%in_type% == . goto not_set
- goto set
- :not_set
- set in_type=opus
- :set
- rem you shouldn't have to change anything below this.
- echo y | del %output%\*.*
- del dir.lst
- del logfile
- del ..\logfile
- del dlpath.lst
- rem this produces the index files for each directory
- %cdrom%\_bbs\each_dir 1 %cdrom%\_bbs\dirs.txt doit
- rem this produces the dir.lst file
- %cdrom%\_bbs\each_dir 1 %cdrom%\_bbs\dirs.txt doit2
- rem this produces the dlpath.lst file
- %cdrom%\_bbs\each_dir 1 %cdrom%\_bbs\dirs.txt doit3
- rem this produces the global index file
- %cdrom%\_bbs\each_dir 1 %cdrom%\_bbs\dirs.txt doit4